Helping Your Campus Address Its Most Difficult Crises 

Whether it is the daily critical incident, the occasional crisis, or the career-defining disaster, we will ensure you are prepared to respond.

A Comprehensive Approach to Higher Ed Crisis Management

Prepared Campus Consulting offers a comprehensive approach to higher education crisis management that includes mitigating risks to prevent campus crises, preparing for crises through effective plans and training, taking appropriate actions should campus crises occur, and developing resiliency to emerge from crises. We emphasize responding with compassion, understanding that crises create hardships for those directly impacted, those who experience secondary effects, and those responding to a crisis.


Our team is comprised of higher education professionals who are leaders in their fields and bring decades of exceptional experience in crisis management.  They have served as directors of emergency management, chief of police, chief communications officers, crisis response team leaders, chiefs of staff for university presidents, vice presidents, and university president.  They have worked at public and private colleges and universities, two-year and four-year, large and small, where they have led their campuses in crisis plan development and crisis management.