Emergency Preparedness Training
Emergency Response Training
Emergency Preparedness involves planning and organizing so that the institution and its faculty, staff, students, and visitors respond quickly and effectively to emergencies and crises. Emergency preparedness also involves having the appropriate resources available to address the emergency.
We provide training that identifies the basic steps in emergency preparedness and facilitates identification of needed plans, personnel, and resources to quickly and effectively respond to emergencies and crises. Our trainings are customized to address the interests and needs of each institution.
Emergency Response Training equips participants with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively to various emergencies, minimizing the impact on the institution and its student, faculty, and staff, and developing resiliency.
While Emergency Response Training takes many forms, we provide the following training opportunities:
Team Training
Emergency Operations Center personnel
Campus Communications Team
Crisis Response Teams
Campus leadership/President’s Cabinet/Trustees
Drills and Exercises
Scenario Based Training (What to Do in Scenario)
Active Shooter
Tornado/Hurricane/Flood/Severe Weather
Hazardous Chemical/Radiation Contamination
Tabletop Exercises
A faciltated, interactive, discussion-based session in which participants review their roles, procedures, and responses during an identified crisis. Emphasis is placed on working as a team in a collaborative learning situation. Participants respond to prompts and descriptions from the facilitator. Following the tabletop exercise, participants identify gaps and areas for improvement in plans, training, and response to the scenario. Following facilitation of an exercise, Prepared Campus Consulting prepares an After Action Report which describes the exercise; provides key observations; identifies gaps in plans, preparedness, and training; and specifies recommendations for improvement.