Threats and Hazards
Prepared Campus Consulting uses a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) to identify potential threats and hazards to the institution's operations. The HVA process involves:
Listing threats and hazards that could impact the institution.
Evaluating how likely each event is to occur and its potential impact. Events that are rated as high-impact and high-probability events require planning and training on how to address such events. High impact and low-probability events should not be overlooked. For example, the probability of a mass shooting on a campus is low (13 mass shootings on a college campus since 1966), but the impact is high. However, resources should not be wasted on low-impact and low-probability events.
Examining current preparedness levels for each type of event identified. Gaps in preparation, planning, training, and response are identified.
The institution's emergency operations plan is designed to prepare for and respond to the events identified.