Melinda Sutton

Dr. Melinda (Mindy) Sutton currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Southern Methodist University (SMU), a position she began in May 2019. In this role, Mindy is responsible for many of the student engagement and wellbeing functions within the Division and also represents the Division of Student Affairs on campus crisis response teams, chairs the behavioral intervention team (BIT), and coordinates student affairs support for the SMU-in-Taos programs that take place on the University’s campus in Taos, New Mexico.  Mindy is also an adjunct faculty member in SMU's Simmons School of Education and Human Development where she teaches graduate courses on crisis management in higher education. Prior to her tenure at SMU, Mindy served as the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at the University of Mississippi as well as the Deputy to the Dean of Students at The University of Texas at Austin. 

Mindy is an active volunteer for her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta, and served two terms as a vice president on the International Council.